Eliminating TB Case by Case:
Past Presentations
Click below to view and listen to the past TB Case Series.
Dr. Gaudet 3-23-07 Undiagnosed TB in the ED
Dr. Talbot 1-24-07 Managing TB in a patient with hepatitis
Dr. Saukkonen 10-31-06 New drugs for treating MDR-TB
Dr. Landis 6-21-06 Respiratory failure in undiagnosed TB
Dr. Gadbaw 4-11-06 Pulmonary TB complicated by meningitis
Dr. von Reyn 1-18-06 TB lympadenitis: a case and review
Dr. Horsburgh 10-12-05 Principals of TB management
Right click and select "Save Target As" to download video.
Dr. Von Reyn (5.22MB)
Dr. Gadbaw (4.59MB)
Dr. Talbot
Dr. Gaudet
Dr. Saukkonen
Other Presentations
Northeast presentation: TB in Correctional and Detention Facilities, Jan. 9, 2007
National TB Controllers Meeting, 2006: African Refugee Women and TB
Internet-Based Strategies for Reaching Providers: The New England Experience
Dr. Elizabeth Talbot's presentation from the 2009 New Hampshire TB Conference |
Sue Etkind's presentation from the 2009 Substance Abuse & TB Trainings |
Materials from other Educational Events
Slide sets from the 2009 New England TB Intensive
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