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Page history last edited by mark.lobato@... 9 years, 7 months ago

News & Announcements


Upcoming trainings


10th Anniversary New England TB Clinicians' Conference May 7, 2015


TB Slides from Manchester, NH Refugee  Health Conference April 29, 2013 


Slides from TB Talk on January, 16, 2013: TB - The Disease that  Keeps on Giving

TB Talk_CBrowning 1-16-13.pdf


Maine Teachback--INH Side Effects Flyer in English and Somali

Slide set on Maine Teachback


What's new


Slides from 

TB Infection: What Providers Need to Know about Testing & Treatment” 3/25/2014

 * LTBI in 2014_E. Talbot LTBI_Talbot 3.20.14.pptx

*A Day in the TB Clinic_ZuWallack LTBI_ZuWallack 3-25-14.ppt


Slides from The Language of TB, Shrewsbury MA, November 5, 2012


Slides from Making Strides Towards TB Elimination, North Haven CT

October 18, 2012


Slides from Eliminating TB Case by Case on October 10, 2012


Slides from TB Talk

on June 21, 2012


Slides from TB: What Community-Based Providers Need to Know on May 1, 2012


Slides from TB Talk on March 23, 2012: A Team Approach to TB Management









The six New England TB Programs promote a regional approach to TB elimination. This web site represents a step toward building collaboration, exchanging experiences and practices, and enhancing program capacity.


Using Regional Approaches to Reach the Goal of TB Elimination


Regional collaborations provide a framework for strengthening TB programs by establishing common goals and objectives. Our regional TB plan presents five strategic components (effective communication, consultation, training and education, enhanced case-finding and program evaluation) and five key operations (collaboration, policy development, surveillance using molecular genotyping, cohort reviews and research) that guide our common activities.


Click here for more information and resources on regional collaboration.


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